2024.7.18 chinese national zhang ruijin, one of the 10 people convicted in the s$3 billion money laundering case, was deported from cambodia on tuesday (jul 16).
អគ្គនាយកដ្ឋានអន្តោប្រវេសន៍ – general department of immigration – gdi
អគ្គនាយកដ្ឋានអន្តោប្រវេសន៍ បានធ្វើការបណ្ដេញជនជាតិចិនម្នាក់ ដែលត្រូវបានតុលាការប្រទេសសឹង្ហបូរី ផ្តន្ទាទោសដាក់ពន្ធនាគារពីបទសម្អាតប្រាក់ ពីព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា
នៅថ្ងៃអង្គារ ១១កើត ខែអាសាឍ ឆ្នាំរោង ឆស័ក ព.ស.២៥៦៨ ត្រូវនឹងថ្ងៃទី១៦ ខែកក្កដា ឆ្នាំ២០២៤ អគ្គនាយកដ្ឋានអន្តោប្រវេសន៍ ក្រសួងមហាផ្ទៃ នៃប្រទេសកម្ពុជា បានធ្វើការស្រាវជ្រាវ បន្ទាប់ពីបានទទួលដំណឹងអំពីជនជាតិចិនម្នាក់ ដែលត្រូវបានតុលាការប្រទេសសឹង្ហបូរី ផ្តន្ទាទោសដាក់ពន្ធនាគារពីបទសម្អាតប្រាក់ និងបានចូលមកប្រទេសកម្ពុជា។
ដោយព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា ក៏ជាសមាជិកនៃ អង្គការឃ្លាំងមើលការលាងលុយ និងឧក្រិដ្ឋកម្មហិរញ្ញាវត្ថុអន្តរជាតិ ហៅកាត់ថា fatf ផងដែរនោះ និងក្រោយពីបានទទួលដំណឹងពាក់ព័ន្ធជាមួយជនជាតិចិនម្នាក់ដែលមានការពាក់ព័ន្ធនឹងបទលើ្មសសម្អាតប្រាក់ បានចូលមកក្នុងទឺកដីប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ឯកឧត្តមអភិសន្តិបណ្ឌិត ឧបនាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រី រដ្ឋមន្ត្រីក្រសួងមហាផ្ទៃ បានណែនាំមកអគ្គនាយកដ្ឋានអន្តោប្រវេសន៍ ធ្វើការស្រាវជា្រវ ស្វែងរក ជនជាតិចិន នោះឲ្យបានឆាប់រហ័ស ដើម្បីអនុវត្តនីតិវិធី ធ្វើការបណ្ដេញចេញពីព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា។
ជាលទ្ធផល បន្ទាប់ពីទទួលបានការណែនាំពីឯកឧត្តមអភិសន្តិបណ្ឌិត ឧបនាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រី រដ្ឋមន្ត្រីក្រសួងមហាផ្ទៃរួចមក នាយកដ្ឋានស៊ើបអង្កេត និងអនុវត្តនីតិវិធី នៃអគ្គនាយកដ្ឋានអន្តោប្រវេសន៍ ធ្វើការស្រាវជា្រវ ស៊ើបអង្កេត ស្វែងរករួចមក បានឃាត់ខ្លួនជនជាតិចិខាងលើដែលមាន ឈ្មោះ zhang ruijin ភេទប្រុស ជនជាតិចិន កាន់លិខិតឆ្លងដែនប្រទេស saint kitts and nenis ដែលត្រូវបានតុលាការប្រទេសសឹង្ហបូរី ផ្តន្ទាទោសដាក់ពន្ធនាគារពីបទសម្អាតប្រាក់។
សូមបញ្ជាក់ថា ជនជាតិចិនខាងបានចូលមកប្រទេសកម្ពុជានៅថ្ងៃទី១៥ ខែមិថុនា ឆ្នាំ២០២៤ ហើយក៏ត្រូវបាន ស្វែងរកឃាត់ខ្លួនបាន ដោយអគ្គនាយកដ្ឋានអន្តោប្រវេសន៍ ព្រមទាំងបានរៀបចំនីតិវីធី រួចក៏បានធ្វើការបណ្តេញចេញពីព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា នៅថ្ងៃទី១៦ ខែកក្កដា ឆ្នាំ២០២៤ តាមប៉ុស្តិ៍នគរបាលច្រកទ្វារអាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិភ្នំពេញ។
billion-dollar money laundering convict expelled by cambodia after deportation from singapore
chinese national zhang ruijin, one of the 10 people convicted in the s$3 billion money laundering case, was deported from cambodia on tuesday (jul 16).
singapore: a 45-year-old man who was deported to cambodia, after he was sentenced to 15 months’ jail in april for his involvement in one of singapore’s largest money laundering cases, has been expelled from the country.
in a facebook post on wednesday (jul 17), cambodia’s general department of immigration (gdi) said zhang ruijin was deported the day before. the chinese national had been in the country for just over a month after he was “removed” from singapore.
the gdi said that it was notified about zhang and his involvement in money laundering on tuesday, and that he had arrived in cambodia on jun 15 following his deportation.
according to the department, cambodia’s deputy prime minister and minister of interior sar sokha instructed the gdi to locate zhang and “implement eviction procedures” from the country.
cambodia is a member of the asia/pacific group on money laundering (apg), which ensures internationally accepted anti-money laundering standards are in place in accordance with recommendations by international financial crime watchdog the financial action task force (fatf).
the gdi did not specify where zhang was deported to but noted he holds a passport from saint kitts and nevis, a tiny island nation in the caribbean.
zhang was the fifth of 10 accused persons to be dealt with by singapore’s courts in relation to the s$3 billion (us$2.2 billion) money laundering case. he forfeited around s$118 million in assets to the state, which amounted to about 90 per cent of the s$131 million worth of assets originally seized by the police.
the case, which concluded in june, involved 10 foreigners and billions of dollars worth of assets such as hard cash, luxury properties, branded goods, cryptocurrency and alcohol.
about s$944 million (us$697 million) in assets seized in relation to the 10 criminals embroiled in one of singapore’s largest money-laundering probes was forfeited to the state, while the 10 individuals who were convicted were sentenced to between 13 and 17 months’ jail.
investigations are ongoing against 17 other suspects who are not currently in singapore. assets linked to these suspects make up the rest of the total s$3 billion figure seized.
why was zhang and six others deported to cambodia?
seven individuals who were convicted in the s$3 billion money laundering case, including zhang, were deported from singapore to cambodia. the others are su baolin, su haijin, su wenqiang, wang baosen, chen qingyuan and lin baoying.
vang shuiming was deported to japan, while wang dehai was deported to the uk and they are all barred from re-entering singapore. only su jianfeng, a 36-year-old vanuatu national with roots in fujian, china, remains in singapore. he was sentenced to 17 months’ jail last month.
despite acknowledging that three of the seven deported individuals do not hold cambodian passports, based on publicly available information, singapore’s minister of state for home affairs and for social and family development sun xueling said on jul 2 the priority was to quickly and effectively deport the convicted foreigners.
foreigners who have been convicted of offences in singapore and are to be deported can indicate which country they would like to be deported to, she added.
but it is not a case of the offenders saying “i choose and therefore i will be sent there”, ms sun then said in response to a parliamentary question by ms sylvia lim (wp-aljunied). “there needs to be an assessment by the ministry as to whether or not the individual can be admissible to the country, based on the travel document that he or she holds,” she explained.
“such foreigners can go to any country to which their passport or travel document allows them to go. this applies similarly to the convicted foreigners in the s$3 billion money laundering case.”
ms sun said that for convicted foreigners with multiple passports, the ministry will have to decide which country they have the greatest likelihood of being admissible to, and then make an assessment before deporting them.
minister of state for law and transport murali pillai added: “in the absence of extradition, the position is that after conviction and serving of sentence, the offenders will be required to leave singapore.
“what happens to them in those countries or in their countries of nationality is not within our control.”
cna has contacted gdi for more information on where zhang was deported to, as well as the immigration status of the six other individuals who were deported from singapore to cambodia.
30亿元洗钱案被告张瑞金 遣送柬埔寨后再被驱逐
2024.7.8 the last of 10 foreigners to plead guilty in the s$3 billion (us$2.2 billion) money laundering case has been deported to the united kingdom. wang dehai, 35, was deported on saturday and is barred from re-entering singapore, said the immigration and checkpoints authority (ica) on monday (jul 8). the cypriot is the ninth of the 10 convicted foreigners in singapore’s largest money laundering case to have left the country after serving their sentence. only su jianfeng, a 36-year-old vanuatu national with roots in fujian, china, remains in singapore. he was sentenced to 17 months’ jail last month.
ninth convict in $3b money laundering case deported to the uk: ica
singapore – wang dehai, the last of 10 foreigners to plead guilty in the $3 billion money laundering case, has been deported to the uk.
he was deported on july 6 after serving about 11 months of his 16-month jail term.
the immigration and checkpoints authority (ica) told the straits times on july 8 that wang, 35, has been barred from re-entering singapore.
the cypriot national, who was originally from china, was sentenced to 16 months’ jail in june after pleading guilty to one money laundering charge. his sentence was backdated to the date of his arrest on aug 15, 2023.
wang agreed to forfeit more than $49 million of his assets to the state.
on july 2, minister of state for home affairs sun xueling said in parliament that, while those with multiple passports can indicate which country they would like to be deported to, singapore will deport them to countries most likely to accept them.
wang’s deportation means that nine of the 10 convicted in singapore’s largest money laundering case have left the country.
su wenqiang and wang baosen were the first two convicted men to leave singapore on may 6. they were deported to cambodia after serving about 8½ months of their 13-month jail terms.
su baolin and su haijin were deported to cambodia on may 25 and 28, respectively, while vang shuiming was deported to japan on june 1.
su baolin and su haijin were each sentenced to 14 months’ jail in april. vang was sentenced to 13 months and six weeks’ jail in may. the three men each served around 9½ months of their jail terms.
chen qingyuan, zhang ruijin and lin baoying were deported to cambodia on june 15. they were each sentenced to 15 months’ imprisonment and served 10 months of their jail terms.
this leaves su jianfeng, who was sentenced to 17 months’ jail in june, as the last convict in this case to still be in singapore.
30亿洗钱案第九名被告王德海 刑满被驱逐到英国
案情显示,王德海在2012年起参与菲律宾的非法线上赌博生意,刚开始从领月薪的客服做起,在升职后才获得3%的利润分成。协助经营线上赌博生意期间,他前后获得8000万人民币(约1500万新元)和800万港币(约138万新元) 的酬劳。后来,王德海为了让孩子在新加坡求学,与家人移居新加坡。
2024.7.6 officers from the commercial affairs department and the seven police land divisions conducted a two-week operation between 21 june and 4 july 2024. a total of 215 men and 94 women, aged between 15 and 78, are assisting in investigations for their suspected involvement in scams as scammers or money mules. the persons are believed to be involved in more than 1,300 cases of scams, comprising mainly internet love scams, e-commerce scams, friend impersonation scams, investment scams and job scams, where victims reportedly lost over $10 million.
(singapore police force)
police investigate 309 scammers and money mules in island-wide enforcement operation
officers from the commercial affairs department and the seven police land divisions conducted a two-week operation between 21 june and 4 july 2024. a total of 215 men and 94 women, aged between 15 and 78, are assisting in investigations for their suspected involvement in scams as scammers or money mules. the persons are believed to be involved in more than 1,300 cases of scams, comprising mainly internet love scams, e-commerce scams, friend impersonation scams, investment scams and job scams, where victims reportedly lost over $10 million.
the persons are being investigated for the alleged offences of cheating, money laundering or providing payment services without a licence. the offence of cheating under section 420 of the penal code 1871 carries an imprisonment term of up to 10 years and a fine. the offence of money laundering under the corruption, drug trafficking and other serious crimes (confiscation of benefits) act 1992 carries an imprisonment term of up to 10 years, a fine of up to $500,000, or both. the offence of carrying on a business to provide any type of payment service in singapore without a licence under section 5 of the payment services act 2019 carries a fine of up to $125,000, an imprisonment term of up to three years, or both.
the police take a serious stance against any person who may be involved in scams, and perpetrators will be dealt with in accordance with the law. to avoid being an accomplice to crimes, members of the public should always reject requests by others to use your bank account or mobile lines as you will be held accountable if these are linked to crimes.
警方在全岛执法行动中调查 309 名诈骗犯和钱骡
商业事务部和七个陆地警署的警员于 2024 年 6 月 21 日至 7 月 4 日进行了为期两周的行动。共有 215 名男性和 94 名女性,年龄在 15 至 78 岁之间,因涉嫌以骗子或钱骡的身份参与诈骗而协助调查。这些人被认为涉及 1,300 多起诈骗案件,主要包括网络爱情诈骗、电子商务诈骗、冒充朋友诈骗、投资诈骗和求职诈骗,据报道受害者损失了超过 1000 万元。
2024.7.5 a total of 871 men and 577 women, aged between 16 and 91, are being investigated for various offences, following a month-long island-wide multi-agency enforcement blitz that was conducted from 10 june to 30 june 2024.
(singapore police force)
over 1440 investigated in island-wide multi-agency enforcement blitz
a total of 871 men and 577 women, aged between 16 and 91, are being investigated for various offences, following a month-long island-wide multi-agency enforcement blitz that was conducted from 10 june to 30 june 2024.
over the course of three weeks, the island-wide multi-agency enforcement blitz was conducted by all the police land divisions and supported by officers from the criminal investigation department (cid), central narcotics bureau (cnb), singapore civil defence force (scdf), health sciences authority (hsa), immigration & checkpoints authority (ica), singapore customs (customs), ministry of manpower (mom) and housing & development board (hdb).
more than 2200 officers from all seven police land divisions were deployed with over 1130 operations conducted. officers also conducted checks on more than 10,400 people, of which 512 were arrested. the enforcement operations were aimed to bolster the police’s presence island wide, by effectively targeting illegal and criminal activities.
the details of some of these operations are as follows:
a.between 19 june 2024 to 22 june 2024, officers from tanglin police division led a series of multi-agency operations supported by officers from cid, cnb, scdf, ica, mom, and customs. the operation targeted unlawful activities at various massage establishments, public entertainment outlets and private residences in the vicinity of selegie road, orchard road, balestier road, upper thomson road, river valley road, newton road and sin ming road. arising from the operations, a total of eight men and 46 women, aged between 19 and 53, are being investigated for various offences under women’s charter act 1961, gambling control act 2022, employment of foreign manpower act 1990, tobacco (control of advertisements and sale) act 1993 and customs act 1960. a fire safety violation was also detected in one of the public entertainment outlets and scdf will be following up with enforcement action. in addition, four men, aged between 18 and 29, are being investigated for offences under the societies act 1996.on 25 june 2024, officers from clementi police division and hdb conducted enforcement operations targeting massage establishments in the vicinity of jurong east and telok blangah drive. two exempted massage establishments were found with curtains installed around the massage beds, allowing massages to be administered in private. the operators are assisting in investigations for possible breaches of the massage establishments act 2017. officers from clementi police division subsequently conducted another enforcement operation in the vicinity of holland village. during the operation, one outlet was found to be allegedly operating without a valid licence. vice-related activities were also allegedly detected at the same outlet. four women, aged between 29 and 50, were arrested for allegedly providing sexual services in the outlet.
b.between 18 june to 23 june 2024, officers from bedok police division and cid conducted a series of checks at public entertainment outlets and hotels and carried out anti-vice operations in various parts of geylang. on 18 june 2024, at a public entertainment outlet along geylang road, 22 women, aged between 17 and 73, were arrested for offences under the employment of foreign manpower act 1990. the 73-year-old woman is being investigated for a similar offence while a 43-year-old man was issued a composition fine for breaching conditions of a public entertainment licence by allowing performance artistes on duty to mingle with patrons. between 14 june and 23 june 2024, seven women, aged between 32 and 51, were arrested for offences under the women’s charter 1961 along lorong 22 geylang and lorong 10 geylang.
c.on 21 june 2024, a 20-year-old man was arrested under the societies act 1966 and another 38-year-old man was arrested for failing to attend court on 23 june 2024 along lorong 25a geylang.
d.on 29 june 2024, officers from jurong police division conducted anti-gambling operations in the vicinities of taman jurong market & food centre and jurong west st 41. the operations were targeted against illegal horse betting activities. seven men, aged between 61 and 74, are being investigated for offences under the gambling control act 2022. cash amounting to more than $2900 and other gambling paraphernalia were seized as case exhibits.
e.on 22 june 2024, officers from woodlands police division conducted an anti-gambling operation in the vicinity of yishun street 72. five men and three women, aged between 56 and 82, are being investigated for offences under the gambling control act 2022. cash amounting to more than $9140 and gambling-related paraphernalia were seized as case exhibits.
f.on 19 june 2024, officers from ang mo kio police division carried out a vice operation at a condominium in the vicinity of upper serangoon road. two women, aged 35 and 31, were arrested for offences under the women’s charter 1961.
g.from 10 june to 16 june 2024, officers from central police division conducted a five-day operation involving officers from the cid, special operations command (soc), home team unmanned aerial vehicle command, cnb and hsa. the operation targeted vice, gambling, illegal drug activities and illegal activities occurring in massage establishments and public entertainment outlets in various locations along jalan besar, serangoon road, beach road, boat quay, and south bridge road. 60 men and 111 women, aged between 19 and 91, are being investigated for offences under the women’s charter 1961, gambling control act 2022, employment of foreign manpower act 1990, immigration act 1959, moneylenders act 2008, immigration act 1959, miscellaneous offences (public order and nuisance) act 1906, misuse of drugs act 1973, societies act 1966 and health products act 2007. two women, both aged 19, are being investigated for offences under the women’s charter 1961 and offences under the employment of foreign manpower act 1990 respectively. in addition, three men, aged between 16 and 21, are being investigated for section 14(3) of the societies act 1966, and another two men are being investigated for offences under the misuse of drugs act 1973.
investigations against all the 1448 individuals are ongoing.
director of operations, senior assistant commissioner (sac) gregory tan, expressed his appreciation to all the agencies involved for their strong support and commitment to the enforcement operations. he also commended the officers for their dedication and excellent teamwork during the enforcement blitz.
he added, “the three-week anti-crime blitz is part of the police’s ongoing efforts to clamp down on crime and illegal activities. the police remain steadfast in our commitment to upholding law and order. by working closely with other law enforcement agencies, we want to send a strong message to criminals that law enforcement agencies will continue to be proactive and holistic in our enforcement. criminals will be investigated to the fullest extent of the law. we urge members of the public to remain vigilant and to report any criminal or suspicious activities to the police. singapore remains safe and secure due to the strong support and trust from the public, who act as our eyes and ears in the fight against crime.”
全岛多机构联合执法 调查逾 1440 人
从 2024 年 6 月 10 日到 6 月 30 日,在全岛范围内进行了为期一个月的多机构执法突击行动后,共有 871 名男性和 577 名女性(年龄在 16 岁到 91 岁之间)因各种罪行接受调查。
来自所有七个陆地警署的 2200 多名警官部署到位,进行了 1130 多次行动。警官还对 10,400 多人进行了检查,其中 512 人被捕。执法行动旨在加强全岛警方的执法力度,有效打击非法犯罪活动。
2024.7.2 the police have arrested 29 persons, aged between 17 and 48, for their suspected involvement in perpetrating various scams such as government officials impersonation scam (gois), internet love scams, malware phishing scams, non-banking related phishing scams, offering sexual services scams and china officials impersonation scam (cois). they will be charged in court on 3 july 2024 for their suspected involvement in various offences connected to money mule activities which include abetment to cheating, assisting another to retain benefits from criminal conduct, abetting unauthorised access to computer material, unauthorised disclosure of access code and carrying on an unlicensed business of providing payment service.
29 persons to be charged for suspected involvement in money mule activities
the police have arrested 29 persons, aged between 17 and 48, for their suspected involvement in perpetrating various scams such as government officials impersonation scam (gois), internet love scams, malware phishing scams, non-banking related phishing scams, offering sexual services scams and china officials impersonation scam (cois). they will be charged in court on 3 july 2024 for their suspected involvement in various offences connected to money mule activities which include abetment to cheating, assisting another to retain benefits from criminal conduct, abetting unauthorised access to computer material, unauthorised disclosure of access code and carrying on an unlicensed business of providing payment service.
twenty persons were alleged to have sold or rented their bank accounts to criminal syndicates or assisted by carrying out bank transfers. four persons purportedly cheated the banks into opening bank accounts before handing over the atm cards and internet banking credentials to the criminal syndicates. five persons allegedly sold their singpass credentials to criminal syndicates who misused it to create new bank accounts.
for conspiring to cheat the bank into opening the bank account, the offence under section 417 read with section 109 of the penal code 1871 carries an imprisonment term of up to three years, a fine, or both. for abetting unknown persons to secure unauthorised access to the bank’s computer system, the offence under section 3(1) read with section 12 and section 14 of the computer misuse act 1993 carries a fine of up to$5,000, an imprisonment term of up to two years, or both, for a first-time offender. the offence of assisting another to retain benefits from criminal conduct under section 51(1)(a) of the corruption, drug trafficking and other serious crimes (confiscation of benefits) act 1992 carries an imprisonment for a term of up to10 years, a fine of up to $500,000, or both. the offence of unauthorised disclosure of access code under section 8(2)(a) of the computer misuse act 1993 carries an imprisonment term of up to three years, a fine or both, for first-time offenders. the offence of carrying on an unlicensed business of providing payment service under section 5(1) of the payment services act 2019 carries an imprisonment term of up to three years, a fine of up to $125,000, or both.
the police take a serious view of these offences and will not hesitate to take action against individuals who may be involved in scams, and perpetrators will be dealt with in accordance with the law. to avoid being an accomplice in these crimes, members of the public should always reject seemingly attractive money-making opportunities promising fast and easy pay-outs for the use of their singpass accounts, bank accounts, or allow their personal bank accounts to be used to receive and transfer money for others. the police would like to remind members of the public that individuals will be held accountable if they are found to be linked to such crimes.
警方逮捕了 29 名年龄在 17 岁至 48 岁之间的人,他们涉嫌实施各种诈骗,例如冒充政府官员诈骗 (gois)、网络爱情诈骗、恶意软件网络钓鱼诈骗、非银行相关网络钓鱼诈骗、提供性服务诈骗和冒充中国官员诈骗 (cois)。他们将于 2024 年 7 月 3 日在法庭上被指控,他们涉嫌参与与钱骡活动相关的各种罪行,包括教唆欺诈、协助他人从犯罪行为中获利、教唆未经授权访问计算机资料、未经授权披露访问代码以及从事无牌支付服务业务。
据称,有 20 人将自己的银行账户出售或出租给犯罪集团,或协助进行银行转账。据称,有 4 人欺骗银行开设银行账户,然后将 atm 卡和网上银行凭证交给犯罪集团。据称,有 5 人将自己的 singpass 凭证出售给犯罪集团,犯罪集团利用这些凭证开设了新的银行账户。
2024.6.26 the police would like to alert members of the public on the re-emergence of a fake bulk order scam variant. recent cases saw the renovation, f&b, retail and service industries being targeted. since 12 april 2024, at least 60 victims had fallen prey, with total losses amounting to at least $831,000.
police advisory on fake bulk order scams targeting the renovation, f&b, retail and service industries
the police would like to alert members of the public on the re-emergence of a fake bulk order scam variant. recent cases saw the renovation, f&b, retail and service industries being targeted. since 12 april 2024, at least 60 victims had fallen prey, with total losses amounting to at least $831,000.
in this scam variant, scammers would pose as “customers” and contact renovation contractors, restaurants, or other businesses via call or whatsapp message, under the pretext of making bulk orders or to make reservations. scammers would typically request for additional items; or specific brand of items that the businesses typically do not stock, or in quantities that the retailers are unable to fulfil on short notice. the purported customer would then recommend a “supplier” for the victims to purchase from.
in some cases, scammers would pose as teachers from academic institutions in singapore to contact renovation contractors for painting or plumbing jobs; contact retailers to purchase items such as bikes or tyres; or contact companies to engage photography services. scammers may also contact restaurants or renovation contractors, posing as customers and make additional requests, such as for a specific paint brand to be used or order expensive off-menu items such as a specific brand of wine. they would then recommend a “supplier” to purchase these high value items from.
scammers may provide screenshots of fake payment documentation to assure the victims that they had made part-payment of the bulk order in advance, which convinced the victims to make upfront payment for the orders placed with the “supplier”. victims would only realise that they had been scammed when they did not receive any payment from the “customer”, or when the “supplier” did not deliver the goods, or when both “customer” and “supplier” become uncontactable.
警方希望提醒公众注意一种虚假批量订单诈骗的再次出现。最近的案件中,装修、餐饮、零售和服务行业成为目标。自 2024 年 4 月 12 日以来,至少有 60 名受害者成为受害者,总损失至少达 831,000 元。
在这种骗局中,骗子会假扮成“顾客”,以批量订购或预约为借口,通过电话或 whatsapp 消息联系装修承包商、餐馆或其他企业。骗子通常会要求提供额外的物品;或企业通常没有库存的特定品牌的物品,或零售商无法在短时间内完成的数量。然后,所谓的客户会向受害者推荐一个“供应商”来购买。
2024.6.26 the police have arrested a 38-year-old man for his suspected involvement in a series of cheating cases.
man to be charged for cheating, forgery and carrying on a business without capital markets services licence
the police have arrested a 38-year-old man for his suspected involvement in a series of cheating cases.
between 9 december 2019 and 31 december 2021, the police received multiple reports alleging that the man failed to honour an agreement which purportedly guaranteed a return on investment (“roi”).
preliminary investigations revealed that the man was believed to be running ponzi-like schemes and enticed victims to invest through him with guaranteed rois. since 2021, the man had purportedly cheated more than 24 victims of accumulated invested sum amounting to more than s$8 million. the man allegedly misappropriated the funds as he was unable to honour his obligations.
the man also allegedly forged a letter of demand from a law firm and addressed to a bank, to request for the release of funds from his bank account. he would then purportedly show the letter to the victims and buy time by convincing them that actions were being taken to make payments to the victims. further investigations also revealed that the man did not have a licence to carry out investment schemes which is a regulated activity.
the man will be charged in court on 26 june 2024 with the offences of cheating under section 420 of the penal code, forgery under section 465 of the penal code and carrying on a business without capital markets services licence under section 82(3) of the securities and futures act.
the offence of cheating carries an imprisonment term of up to 10 years and a fine. the offence of forgery carries an imprisonment for a term of up to 4 years, or with fine, or with both.the offence of carrying on a business without capital markets services licence shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding s$150,000, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years, or to both.
警方逮捕了一名 38 岁的男子,他涉嫌参与一系列诈骗案件。
2019 年 12 月 9 日至 2021 年 12 月 31 日期间,警方收到多起报告,指控该男子未能履行一项据称保证投资回报的协议。
2024.6.26 singapore today published our national asset recovery strategy, setting out our comprehensive approach towards the recovery of illicit funds and assets from criminals, and the forfeiture of these assets or their return to victims.
singapore publishes national asset recovery strategy
singapore, 26 june 2024… singapore today published our national asset recovery strategy, setting out our comprehensive approach towards the recovery of illicit funds and assets from criminals, and the forfeiture of these assets or their return to victims. announced by prime minister and minister for finance lawrence wong at the opening of the financial action task force plenary meeting this morning, the national asset recovery strategy is part of singapore’s continued efforts to enhance its anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (aml/cft) regime.
2.globally, money laundering activities are increasingly sophisticated, involving swift movements of large sums of illicit funds across jurisdictions, and affecting a significant number of victims. specific to singapore, a sizeable proportion of the money laundering cases here are transnational in nature, involving foreign predicate offences and foreign crime syndicates which employ sophisticated and complex methods, including layering tactics and digital technologies, to conceal the cross-border movement of their illicit funds.
3.asset recovery is one of the key pillars of singapore’s aml regime. it seeks to deter the flow of illicit assets through singapore’s financial ecosystem, while remaining welcoming to legitimate businesses. between january 2019 and june 2024, singapore seized s$6 billion linked to criminal and money laundering activities – of which s$416 million have been returned to victims, and s$1 billion have been forfeited to the state. the large bulk of the remainder is linked to still ongoing investigations or court proceedings.
4.successful asset recovery requires a multi-faceted approach. to this end, singapore’s national asset recovery strategy focuses on four pillars, namely to:
a.detect suspicious and criminal activities by tracing the illicit funds;
b.deprive criminals of their ill-gotten proceeds through prompt seizure and confiscation;
c.deliver maximum recovery of assets for forfeiture and restitution to victims; and
d.deter criminals from using singapore to hide, move, or enjoy their illicit assets.
5.singapore implements these four pillars through upstream loss prevention efforts, and a whole-of-society approach. we have strengthened partnerships with our international counterparts, and community and private sector stakeholders, in asset recovery and loss prevention efforts. for instance, the singapore police force’s anti-scam command and the local banks sent more than 16,700 sms alerts from march to april 2024 to warn more than 12,500 bank customers, whom the authorities had detected were in the process of being scammed. this resulted in the disruption of more than 3,000 scams and averted losses of over s$100 million.
6.singapore recognises that criminal activities and methods are constantly evolving. we are committed to continually enhancing our aml/cft regime to prevent criminals from exploiting singapore’s ecosystem. where we detect any abuse by criminals, we will track them down, and take them to task, including depriving them of their ill-gotten assets. the national asset recovery strategy is available for download here.
national asset recovery strategy
singapore’s national asset recovery strategy sets out our comprehensive approach towards the recovery of illicit funds and assets from criminals, and the forfeiture of these assets or their return to victims.
asset recovery is one of the key pillars of singapore’s anti-money laundering (aml) regime. it seeks to deter the flow of illicit assets into and through singapore’s financial ecosystem, while remaining welcoming to legitimate businesses.
30亿洗钱案 10名被告逾九成扣押资产被充公
调查揭露,原籍中国的苏海金在本地注册的yihao cyber科技公司担任董事,并利用公司名义开设银行户头。这些户头在2021年1月至10月期间,从一家涉及非法远程赌博活动的海外公司接收赃款。
2024.6.23 the police will be charging five men and a woman, aged between 17 and 52, for their suspected involvement in separate cases of shop theft.
(public affairs department singapore police force)
six persons to be charged for shop theft
the police will be charging five men and a woman, aged between 17 and 52, for their suspected involvement in separate cases of shop theft.
the details of the cases are as follows:
a.on 9 december 2023 at 10.42am, a staff of a retail outlet within city square mall reported to the police that a massage gun valued at $149.90 was stolen. investigations later revealed that a 49-year-old man had allegedly stolen the item by concealing it in a black paper bag and left without making payment.
b.on 13 october 2023 and 29 december 2023, the police were alerted to two cases of shop theft at a supermarket and a retail outlet located within bugis junction respectively. health supplements, a personal care product and a black shirt were stolen. the value of items stolen amounted to $216.50. a 52-year-old man was later established through investigations to be purportedly responsible for both occasions of alleged shop theft. the man had allegedly concealed the stolen items inside his bag before leaving the outlets.
c.on 17 may 2024 at 2.17pm, the police were alerted to a case of shop theft at a retail outlet located within suntec city. investigations revealed that a 40-year-old woman had allegedly stolen a black dress from the outlet and left without making payment. however, she was detained by the retail outlet’s staff. further investigations revealed that the same woman allegedly stole a blouse from the same outlet on another occasion. the value of items stolen amounted to $117.80.
d.on 18 may 2024 at 7.53pm, the police were alerted to a case of shop theft at mustafa centre. investigations revealed that two men, aged 17 and 19, allegedly stole four bottles of perfume with a total value of $369. the two men were detained by security officers when they attempted to leave.
e.on 20 june 2024, at 5.20pm, the police were alerted to a case of shop theft at a retail outlet located within suntec city. investigations revealed that a 24-year-old man had allegedly stolen a maple bonsai valued at $75 which he had concealed in his black tote bag before leaving the premises. the man was believed to be involved in two other similar cases of shop theft at the same retail outlet.
these six persons will be charged in court on 24 june 2024 with the offence of theft in dwelling under section 380 of the penal code 1871. the offence of theft in dwelling carries an imprisonment term of up to seven years and a fine.
commander of central police division, assistant commissioner of police jeremy ang said, “this represents police’s continued commitment to arrest the trend of increased shop theft, which means tightening our approach and prosecuting more cases. we cannot allow the perception that shop theft is a petty crime or that the police are soft on shop theft to take root. shop theft violates a fundamental principle of our societal values – do not steal and do not take what is not yours. if unaddressed, shop theft can affect the public sense of safety and security.”
the police take a serious view of shop theft cases and offenders will be apprehended and dealt with firmly in accordance with the law. the police would like to encourage all retailers to come onboard the shop theft awareness for retailers (star) programme.
警方将对五男一女提出指控,他们年龄在 17 至 52 岁之间,涉嫌参与不同案件的商店盗窃。
a.2023 年 12 月 9 日上午 10 时 42 分,city square mall 内一家零售店的工作人员向警方报案,称一把价值 149.90 元的按摩枪被盗。调查后发现,一名 49 岁男子涉嫌将该物品藏在一个黑色纸袋中,然后未付款就离开了。
b.2023 年 10 月 13 日和 2023 年 12 月 29 日,警方接到报警,称位于白沙浮广场的一家超市和一家零售店分别发生了两起商店盗窃案。被盗物品包括保健品、个人护理产品和一件黑色衬衫。被盗物品价值 216.50 元。后来,调查发现,一名 52 岁男子对这两起涉嫌商店盗窃事件负有责任。据称,该男子在离开商店前将偷来的物品藏在包里。
c.2024 年 5 月 17 日下午 2 点 17 分,警方接到报警,称新达城一家零售店发生店铺盗窃案。调查显示,一名 40 岁女子涉嫌从该店偷了一件黑色连衣裙,未付款就离开了。然而,她被零售店的工作人员扣留。进一步调查显示,同一名女子涉嫌在另一次从同一家店偷了一件衬衫。被盗物品价值 117.80 元。
d.2024 年 5 月 18 日晚上 7 点 53 分,警方接到报警,称穆斯塔法中心发生一起商店盗窃案。调查显示,两名分别为 17 岁和 19 岁的男子涉嫌偷走四瓶香水,总价值为 369 元。这两名男子在试图离开时被保安人员扣留。
e.2024 年 6 月 20 日下午 5 点 20 分,警方接到报警,称新达城一家零售店发生了一起商店盗窃案。调查显示,一名 24 岁男子涉嫌偷走一棵价值 75 元的枫树盆景,并在离开店面前将其藏在黑色手提包中。据信,该男子还涉嫌在同一家零售店犯下另外两起类似的商店盗窃案。
这六人将于 2024 年 6 月 24 日在法庭上被控根据《刑法典》第 380 条犯住所盗窃罪。住所盗窃罪最高可判处七年监禁和罚款。
2024.6.21 the police have arrested three men, aged between 52 and 62, for their suspected involvement in a case of conspiracy to commit cheating involving the use of fake gold ingots.
three men arrested for conspiracy to commit cheating
the police have arrested three men, aged between 52 and 62, for their suspected involvement in a case of conspiracy to commit cheating involving the use of fake gold ingots.
on 19 june 2024 at about 3.15pm, the police received a report that a female victim was cheated of $4000 after two men handed over to her gold ingots for safekeeping. preliminary investigations revealed on 19 june 2024 at about 1pm, the victim was approached by two men along tras street claiming to have found gold ingots while excavating the ground at an unknown site in singapore.
the men claimed that they wanted to send the gold ingots back to china but were unsure of the legal process hence offered for victim to safekeep the gold ingots but to hand them cash as collateral. the men also produced a document in old chinese writings, resembling an old will, as well as a small piece of gold ingot. the victim then brought the two men to goldsmith shop along eu tong sen street to verify the authenticity of the small piece of gold ingot, and it was verified to be genuine. after the gold had been authenticated, the two men took back the genuine gold ingot and handed over other purported gold ingots to the victim and told her to pay $4000 as a collateral. the victim went to the same goldsmith shop to further authenticate the other gold ingots and the gold ingots were found to be fake. upon realising she was a victim of scam and discovered the two men had left the place, she alerted the police.
through ground enquiries and with the aid of images from polcam and cctv camera footages, officers from central police division established the identity of the two men and arrested them along aliwal street on 20 june 2024. through further investigations, the officers also arrested another accomplice and seized a number of case exhibits which included over 80 pieces of mini gold-coloured ingots, a piece of paper with chinese writings and six gold-coloured mini-buddha statues.
the three men will be charged in court on 22 june 2024 with conspiracy to commit cheating under section 420 read with section 109 of the penal code 1871, which is punishable with imprisonment up to 10 years and fine.
the police would like to advise members of the public to be wary of such scams. to avoid falling victim to such scam, members of public are advised to adopt the following crime prevention measures:
a.always buy from established and authorised/reputable retailers. be wary of offers that sound too good to be true; and
b.enlist a professional’s assistance to verify the authenticity and value of any high value items you intend to purchase before making payment.
涉用假金元宝行骗 三男子落网面控
新加坡警察部队星期五(6月21日)发文告说,警方于星期三(19日)下午约3时15分接到报案,指一名女子被骗走4000元。初步调查显示,女子于当天下午约1时在丹戎巴葛道拉实街(tras street)与两名男子碰面,对方之后声称在本地某处挖到金元宝。
经过调查,中央警署的查案人员锁定两名男子的身份,星期四(20日)在阿里哇街(aliwal street)逮捕了他们。警方循线逮捕另一名同伙,并起获了80多个迷你金元宝和六个迷你金佛像。
回复 『singapore,新加坡』 2 police news, loanshark harassment, conspiracy to commit cheating, anti-scam, money mule 2024.7.18 – 博爪 取消回复