2024.10.26 bloomfield township police recover $3,200 in stolen goods from 4 women during retail heist
bloomfield township police recover $3,200 in stolen goods from 4 women during retail heist
ohio women charged with retail fraud

bloomfield township, mich. – bloomfield township police arrested four women involved in an ultra beauty retail fraud.
the theft occurred on wednesday (oct. 23) at 3 p.m. at the ulta beauty in the 2161 block of s. telegraph road. a witness reported that three women filled ulta bags with perfume and other merchandise while not paying.
officials said the women fled to an awaiting vehicle and entered a chrysler 200 with an ohio registration plate driven by the fourth woman.
bloomfield township police located the vehicle and made a traffic stop on it.
the driver of the vehicle was identified as dajuandolyn ramey, 19. the three passengers were identified as kahshyrah winters, 21, ja’mee hoskins, 26, and gloria nelson, 27.
all four women were coming from toledo, ohio. officers observed the ulta bags and merchandise in the vehicle and subsequently placed all four suspects under arrest.
the bloomfield township police department impounded the vehicle, obtained a search warrant for it, and recovered merchandise from bloomfield township’s ulta beauty, tj maxx, and bath & body works.
detectives also recovered merchandise from a dick’s sporting goods outside of the township. stolen merchandise recovered from the stores totaled over $3,200.
the oakland county prosecutor’s office authorized the following counts:
count 1: retail fraud first-degree against ramey, winters, hoskins, and nelson
count 2: retail fraud third-degree against ramey and winters
count 3: driving while license suspended against ramey
on oct. 25, 2024, the women were arraigned in the 48th district court.
ramey received a $35,000 cash or surety bond, and winters, nelson, and hoskins received a $50,000 cash or surety bond.
布卢姆菲尔德镇警方在零售抢劫案中从 4 名妇女手中追回价值 3,200 美元的赃物
密歇根州布卢姆菲尔德镇——布卢姆菲尔德镇警方逮捕了四名涉嫌 ultra beauty 零售诈骗案的女性。
盗窃案发生在周三(10 月 23 日)下午 3 点,地点位于 s. telegraph road 2161 街区的 ulta beauty。一名目击者称,三名女子将香水和其他商品装入 ulta 袋子,却没有付款。
警官表示,这几名女子逃到一辆等候的车辆上,然后进入了一辆挂俄亥俄州牌照的克莱斯勒 200 车,司机是第四名女子。
该车辆的司机被确认为 19 岁的 dajuandolyn ramey。三名乘客被确认为 21 岁的 kahshyrah winters、26 岁的 ja’mee hoskins 和 27 岁的 gloria nelson。
这四名女子均来自俄亥俄州托莱多。警察在车内发现了 ulta 包和商品,随后逮捕了所有四名嫌疑人。
布卢姆菲尔德镇警察局扣押了该车辆,取得了搜查令,并从布卢姆菲尔德镇的 ulta beauty、tj maxx 和 bath & body works 收缴了商品。
侦探们还在镇外的一家 dick’s sporting goods 商店收缴了商品。从商店收缴的被盗商品总额超过 3,200 美元。
第一项指控:针对 ramey、winters、hoskins 和 nelson 的一级零售欺诈
指控 2:ramey 和 winters 涉嫌三级零售欺诈
指控 3:ramey 在驾照被吊销期间驾驶
2024.10.19 officers recently investigated suspicious activity at a home in the cypress village neighborhood. on wednesday, uncovered a brothel
irvine police department
officers recently investigated suspicious activity at a home in the cypress village neighborhood. on wednesday, siu served a warrant there and uncovered a brothel. two men were arrested for sex trafficking. three victims were offered victim assistance information and left the locations.
qiyin jiaqiyin, 51, of irvine, and xiaoming ding, 36, of whittier, were at orange county jail. thank you to the witness who reported this suspicious activity to us.

警方最近在 cypress village 社区的一所住宅内调查了可疑活动。周三,siu 在那里发出了搜查令,发现了一家妓院。两名男子因性交易被捕。三名受害者获得了受害者援助信息,并离开了这些地点。
来自尔湾的 51 岁的 qiyin jiaqiyin(贾齐音) 和来自惠蒂尔的 36 岁的 xiaoming ding(丁晓明) 被关押在奥兰治县监狱。感谢向我们报告这一可疑活动的证人。
two arrested on sex-trafficking charges after advertising brothel on fliers, irvine police say
irvine police arrested two men this week on pimping and pandering charges after they advertised a brothel on fliers that were placed on neighbors’ cars, a department spokesperson said.
the fliers included contact information that led officers a home in the city’s cypress village neighborhood, sgt. karie davies said.
the fliers, in essence, said, “call for a good time,” she said.
qiyin jiaqiyin, 51, of irvine and xiaoming ding, 36, of whittier were arrested and booked into the orange county jail, davies said, where they’re each being held on $500,000 bail.
three victims, women in their 20s and 30s, were offered assistance and left the location after the arrests, davies said.
戴维斯说,51 岁的尔湾市居民贾齐音和 36 岁的惠蒂尔市居民丁晓明被捕并被关进奥兰治县监狱,他们的保释金均为 50 万美元。
2024.10.11 a 41-year-old woman from china pleaded guilty to attempting to smuggle 29 protected eastern box turtles from vermont into canada
woman admits to felony charge in turtle smuggling case
wan yee ng, charged with trying to smuggle 29 turtles into canada, entered a guilty plea friday in federal court in burlington. she is set to be sentenced in december.

photo of box turtles, from the complaint in case u.s. v. wan yee ng. photo via u.s. border patrol
burlington — a woman from hong kong has pleaded guilty in vermont to a felony charge of trying to smuggle 29 protected turtles from the united states into canada.
wan yee ng, 41, entered the guilty plea friday in u.s. district court in burlington to a single count of attempting to smuggle eastern box turtles, a protected wildlife species, across a lake from vermont to canada for the illegal global pet market.
ng is set to be sentenced dec. 13.
she has been held in custody since her arrest in june and will remain in custody pending her sentencing.
as part of a plea deal, ng faces up to 10 years in prison. the actual sentence will be handed down by judge christina reiss after considering the advisory federal sentencing guidelines.
in determining the sentencing guideline that applies in the case, ng agreed that the fair market value of the 29 turtles totals more than $40,000, based on a $2,000 value for each, according to court filings.
ng, through a cantonese interpreter, told reiss during friday’s hearing that she understood she was giving up her right to a trial by entering into the plea deal.
according to the case against ng as laid out in documents in support of the plea agreement, she arrived in canaan, vermont and checked into a rental home on lake wallace, a body of water that is bisected by the u.s.-canada border.
ng had caught the attention of law enforcement, court records stated, because she had rented the same property through airbnb on jackson lodge road in canaan — a site of human smuggling “and other illegal activities” — several times.
on the morning of june 26, the documents stated, ng began to prepare an inflatable kayak near the water’s edge and was seen by law enforcement carrying a duffel bag from the rental property to the kayak.
at the same time, the filing stated, the royal canadian mounted police reported to u.s. authorities that another person, described only in the court documents as a “co-conspirator,” was paddling toward the middle of the lake from the canadian side.
“law enforcement intercepted wan yee ng as she prepared to paddle across lake wallace with the duffel bag,” the plea agreement stated.
inside her seized duffel bag, the filing stated, authorities found 29 eastern box turtles “individually wrapped in socks for transport.”
ng, according to the plea agreement, did not obtain the required permits to export the turtles to canada.
“these animals are protected by the convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora,” an international agreement to protect fish, wildlife and plants that are or may become threatened or extinct, court records stated.
“the eastern box turtle is a subspecies of the common box turtle and is native to forested regions of the eastern united states with some isolated populations in the midwest,” according to federal prosecutors. “turtles with colorful markings are especially prized in the domestic and foreign pet trade market, particularly in china and hong kong.”
ng’s cell phone was also seized by authorities as part of the investigation, the plea deal stated.
the phone, according to the filing, contained communications showing that ng was trying to smuggle the turtles into canada so they could eventually be sold for profit in hong kong.
investigators have since determined that the seized turtles had been obtained in new jersey, according to court documents.
woman pleads guilty to trying to smuggle 29 turtles across a vermont lake into canada by kayak
by the associated press
burlington, vt. (ap) — a woman from china pleaded guilty on friday to attempting to smuggle 29 eastern box turtles, a protected species, across a vermont lake into canada by kayak.
wan yee ng, 41, was arrested on the morning of june 28 at an airbnb in canaan as she was about to get into an inflatable kayak with a duffle bag on lake wallace, according to a border patrol agent’s affidavit filed in federal court.
agents had been notified by royal canadian mounted police that two other people, including a man who was believed to be her husband, had started to paddle an inflatable watercraft from the canadian side of the lake toward the united states, according to court documents.
the agents searched her heavy duffle bag and found 29 live eastern box turtles individually wrapped in socks, the affidavit states. eastern box turtles are known to be sold on the chinese black market for $1,000 each, the affidavit stated.
her cellphone was seized, and a search by law enforcement found communications showing that she tried to smuggle the turtles into canada so that they could eventually be sold for a profit in hong kong, according to the plea agreement. ng, from hong kong, was living in canada.
she pleaded guilty on friday to one count of unlawfully attempting to export and send 29 eastern box turtles out of the united states, contrary to law. vtdigger first reported on the plea deal.
she is scheduled to be sentenced in december and faces up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.
試圖將29隻受保護龜從美國偷運至加拿大 中國女子認罪
根據美國邊境巡邏隊探員提交給聯邦法院的附誓書面證詞,41歲的wan yee ng於6月28日上午在迦南(canaan)的一家airbnb中被捕,當時她正準備帶着一隻旅行袋在當地的華萊士湖上坐上一個充氣皮畫艇。
根據法庭文件,加拿大皇家騎警通知美國邊境巡邏人員說,另外兩個人,包括一名據信是她丈夫的男子,已經開始畫著充氣皮艇從湖邊的加拿大一側駛向美國。附誓書面證詞稱,特工搜查了wan yee ng沉重的帆布包,發現了29隻用襪子單獨包裹的活的東部箱龜。
wan yee ng來自香港,現居住在加拿大。周五,她承認了一項非法企圖將29隻東部箱龜出口並送出美國的罪名。她將於12月被判刑,面臨最高10年的監禁和最高25萬美元的罰款。
2024.10.2 two men were sentenced yesterday for participating in a scheme to defraud apple inc. (apple) out of millions of dollars worth of iphones
u.s. doj office of public affairs
press release
two foreign nationals sentenced for multimillion-dollar scheme to defraud apple inc. out of 6,000 iphones
thursday, october 3, 2024
for immediate release
office of public affairs
two men were sentenced yesterday for participating in a scheme to defraud apple inc. (apple) out of millions of dollars worth of iphones. haotian sun, 34, a chinese citizen residing in baltimore, was sentenced to 57 months in prison, three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $1,072,200 in restitution to apple and a forfeiture money judgment of $53,610. pengfei xue, 34, a chinese citizen residing in germantown, maryland, was sentenced to 54 months in prison, three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $397,800 in restitution to apple and a forfeiture money judgment of $19,890.
according to court documents and evidence presented at trial, from may 2017 to september 2019, sun and xue, along with their co-conspirators, submitted counterfeit iphones to apple for repair to induce apple to replace the counterfeit phones with genuine iphones. as part of the scheme, sun and xue would receive shipments of inauthentic iphones from hong kong at ups mailboxes throughout the washington, d.c., metropolitan area. they then submitted the fake iphones, with spoofed serial numbers or imei numbers, to apple retail stores, including an apple store in washington, and other authorized apple service providers. members of the conspiracy submitted more than 6,000 inauthentic phones to apple during the conspiracy, causing a loss of more than $2.5 million.
on feb. 20, sun and xue were both convicted after a five-day jury trial of one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud. sun was also convicted of one count of mail fraud and xue was convicted of six counts of mail fraud.
principal deputy assistant attorney general nicole m. argentieri, head of the justice department’s criminal division; u.s. attorney matthew m. graves for the district of columbia; inspector in charge damon e. wood of the u.s. postal inspection service (uspis) washington division; and special agent in charge derek w. gordon of the homeland security investigations (hsi) washington field office made the announcement.
uspis and hsi investigated the case.
trial attorney ryan dickey of the criminal division’s computer crime and intellectual property section and assistant u.s. attorney kondi kleinman for the district of columbia prosecuted the case.
press release
multimillion dollar scheme to defraud apple inc. out of 6,000 iphones nets prison terms for two maryland residents
wednesday, october 2, 2024
for immediate release
u.s. attorney’s office, district of columbia
defendants caused an actual loss of more than $2.5 million
washington – haotian sun, 34, and pengfei xue, 34, both chinese nationals, were sentenced today for participating in a sophisticated scheme to defraud apple inc. out of millions of dollars’ worth of iphones. u.s. district court judge timothy j. kelly sentenced sun to 57 months in prison, and sentenced xue to 54 months in prison.
the sentences were announced u.s. attorney matthew m. graves, principal deputy assistant attorney general nicole m. argentieri of the justice department’s criminal division, inspector in charge damon e. wood of the united states postal inspection service (uspis) washington division, and special agent in charge derek w. gordon of homeland security investigations washington field office.
on february 20, 2024, after three-and-a-half days of testimony, sun, of baltimore, and xue, of germantown, md, were found guilty by a federal jury in u.s. district court in the district of columbia of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and mail fraud. in addition to the prison terms, judge kelly today ordered sun to serve three years of supervised release and pay $1,072,000 in restitution. judge kelly ordered xue to serve three years of supervised release and pay $397,800 in restitution.
according to the government’s evidence, between may 2017 and september 2019, sun, xue, and other conspirators defrauded apple inc. by submitting counterfeit iphones to apple inc. for repair to get apple to exchange them with genuine replacement iphones. sun and xue received shipments of inauthentic iphones from hong kong at ups mailboxes throughout the d.c. metropolitan area. they then submitted the fake iphones, with spoofed serial numbers and/or imei numbers, to apple retail stores and apple authorized service providers, including the apple store in georgetown. trial evidence and evidence developed after trial showed that members of the conspiracy submitted more than 6,000 inauthentic phones to apple during the conspiracy, causing an intended loss of approximately $3.8 million and an actual loss of more than $2.5 million.
this case was investigated by the u.s. postal inspection service’s washington division and homeland security investigations’ washington field office.
the case was prosecuted by assistant u.s. attorney kondi j. kleinman of the u.s. attorney’s office for the district of columbia, and trial attorney ryan dickey of the criminal division’s computer crime and intellectual property section. valuable assistance was provided by paralegal specialist sona chaturvedi. essential work also was provided by paralegal specialists michon tart, mariela andrade, and liliana villamizar.
用逾6千部冒牌手机诈骗苹果公司 两中国男子在美被判刑
34岁的孙皓天(haotian sun、音译)被判入狱57个月,并被勒令向苹果公司赔偿1072200美元,没收53610美元。34岁的薛鹏飞(pengfei xue、音译)被判入狱54个月,并被勒令向苹果公司赔偿397800美元,没收19890美元。
scammers in the slammer for years after ripping off apple with fake iphone returns
duo must also cough up $1.5m for pulling off multi-million-dollar exchange swindle
two fraudsters will spend nearly five years behind bars each and pay a combined $1.5 million for bilking apple out of millions of dollars worth of iphones.
haotian sun, 34, a chinese citizen living in baltimore, maryland, was sentenced to 57 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release, and ordered to pay $1,072,200 in restitution to apple plus a forfeiture money judgment of $53,610.
the other scammer, pengfei xue, 34, a chinese citizen living in germantown, maryland, got 54 months in prison, three years of supervised release, and has been ordered to pay $397,800 to apple along with a $19,890 money judgment.
according to the court documents, between june 2017 and december 2019, the two men engaged in a scheme to return fake iphones to apple for repair and trick the ibiz into replacing them with real ones.
the duo received shipments of inauthentic iphones from hong kong at mailboxes throughout the washington dc area. they then “returned” the fake phones, with spoofed serial numbers and/or imei numbers, to apple retail stores, authorized service providers, or via the mail.
“they returned phones under the false pretense that the suspected counterfeit phones were under warranty and should be replaced due to malfunction or other reason,” according to the court documents [pdf]. “apple, wrongly believing that the person submitting the replacement request was entitled to a replacement, responded by providing a new iphone either in person at an apple retail store or by shipping a new iphone to addresses provided by the conspirators.”
in total, the two men along with two other co-conspirators, submitted more than 6,000 phony phones to apple, costing the ithings giant more than $2.5 million in losses.
apple did not immediately respond to the register’s request for comment.
sun and xue were both convicted in february after a five-day jury trial of one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud. sun was also convicted of one count of mail fraud and xue was convicted of six counts of mail fraud.
and while their stretch in the big house will give the two plenty of time to rethink their life choices, they got off relatively easy for their multi-million-dollar scheme. the maximum term for the duo’s crimes is 20 years each.
p.s. court documents
2024.9.26 melinda katz announced that three men have been indicted on 41 charges including kidnapping, robbery and burglary
(office of the district attorney queens county)press release
three men indicted for douglaston home invasion burglary and kidnapping
september 26, 2024
queens district attorney melinda katz announced that three men – jone smith and brothers ryan and brandon dash – have been indicted by a queens grand jury on 41 charges including kidnapping, robbery and burglary. the trio allegedly strong-armed their way into a douglaston residence last month and held a family – including children and the elderly – hostage with weapons and threats. one of the women escaped from the house with her 1-year-old child to summon police for help.
district attorney katz said: “as alleged, these defendants broke into a home and held a family hostage with a loaded gun, a hammer and a crowbar. a young mother courageously fled the home with her infant child to get help while her family members were bound and assaulted. this was an incredibly brazen attack that left both this family and their neighborhood in fear. i thank the members of the nypd for quickly apprehending these defendants before anyone else could be victimized.”
brandon dash, 39, and ryan dash, 34, of 218th street in cambria heights, and jone smith, also known as conrad harrigan, 47, of cambria heights were arraigned before supreme court justice stephanie zaro today on a 41-count indictment jointly charging them with seven counts of kidnapping in the second degree, six counts of burglary in the first degree, three counts of robbery in the first degree, two counts of criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree, six counts of burglary in the second degree, five counts of robbery in the second degree, five counts of assault in the second degree, criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree, grand larceny in the third degree, three counts of endangering the welfare of a child, and two counts of criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree.
if convicted of the charges, the defendants face a maximum of 25 years in prison.
the defendants were ordered to return to court on october. 21.
according to the indictment:
on august 17, 2024, between 2:15 and 3:18 a.m., three men entered the home on 247th street in douglaston and awakened two adults at gunpoint. the homeowners were sleeping in the room with their 1-year-old child.
the defendants, who were masked, allegedly physically restrained the occupants of the home and demanded to know the location of any money in the house. one of the defendants allegedly brandished a gun, while two others a hammer and a crowbar.
a mother and an infant child escaped the home, and a 911 call was placed to police.
the defendants allegedly took in excess of $20,000 cash from the homeowners.
responding officers determined that three defendants, as well as four adult hostages and two children, remained inside the house. three defendants were then seen climbing out of a window.
police arrested the three defendants after an extensive manhunt in the vicinity of the house. two of the hostages were taken to a local hospital for treatment of minor injuries.
the stolen money and a loaded firearm were recovered after the arrests.
the investigation was conducted by police officer john adames and other members of the 111th precinct.
assistant district attorney hugh mccann of the district attorney’s career criminal major crimes bureau is prosecuting the case under the supervision of assistant district attorneys michael whitney, bureau chief and roni c. piplani, deputy chief, and under the overall supervision of executive assistant district attorney for major crimes shawn clark.
皇后区检察官梅琳达·卡茨宣布,三名男子——琼斯·史密斯、瑞安和布兰登·达什兄弟——已被皇后区大陪审团起诉,罪名包括绑架、抢劫和入室盗窃等 41 项罪名。据称,这三人上个月强行闯入道格拉斯顿的一处住宅,用武器和威胁手段劫持了一户人家,包括儿童和老人。其中一名妇女带着她一岁的孩子逃出房屋,报警求助。
住在坎布里亚高地218街的 39 岁的布兰登·达什 (brandon dash) 和 34 岁的瑞安·达什 (ryan dash ),以及住在坎布里亚高地的 47 岁的琼斯·史密斯 (jone smith,又名康拉德·哈里根),今天在最高法院法官斯蒂芬妮·扎罗面前接受传讯,他们被指控犯有 41 项罪名,共同指控他们犯有七项二级绑架罪、六项一级入室盗窃罪、三项一级抢劫罪、两项二级非法持有武器罪、六项二级入室盗窃罪、五项二级抢劫罪、五项二级袭击罪、三级非法持有武器罪、三级重大盗窃罪、三项危害儿童福利罪和两项四级非法持有武器罪。
·2024 年 8 月 17 日凌晨 2:15 至 3:18 之间,三名男子闯入道格拉斯顿247街的住宅,持枪叫醒两名成年人。当时房主和他们 1 岁的孩子正在房间里睡觉。
·一位母亲带着一名婴儿逃离了家并向警方拨打了 911。
·据称,被告从房主手中收受了超过 20,000 美元的现金。
此次调查由警官约翰·亚当斯和第 111分局的其他成员负责执行。