five arrested for running fake police website defrauding scam victims 2023.11.18……【press】【thailand,ประเทศไทย】thailand: 5 people, incl. chinese & cambodians, arrested for allegedly running fake police website that defrauded 1000 victims of thb 8m in just 2 weeks. police say full amount may run into billions of baht.suspects charged with fraud, involvement in transnational organized crime & money laundering. victims were lured to fake police site through sponsored search result, then link to line account connected them with scammer posing as lawyer. ➤【泰国】涉案超70亿!泰警捣毁一电诈团伙,逮捕1中国人4柬埔寨人。据泰媒消息,2023年11月17日,中央调查局局长吉拉波普中将宣布了捣毁呼叫中心团伙的行动结果。他们通过在曼谷、暖武里府、龙仔厝、清莱、素叻他尼和沙缴府进行搜查,共逮捕了5名嫌疑人,分别是张某,35岁,中国籍;鲁迪,女,29岁;埃卡纳,男,42岁;埃卡猜,男,40岁;万迪,男,26岁,4人均为柬埔寨籍。根据刑事法院下发的逮捕令,他们被指控“串谋诈骗公众、将虚假信息带入计算机系统、参与跨国犯罪组织、串谋洗钱罪”。警方没收物品共计79项,包括并不限于7台电脑、10部电话、46个银行账户、7辆豪华轿车、8688590泰铢现金等,总价值超过8300万泰铢。警方发言人内蒂上校称,去年6月,警方发现诈骗者伪造中央调查局和其他机构 facebook 页面用来诈骗受害人。当受害人在互联网搜索关键词时,首先显示的是不法分子创建的“网上举报”假冒网站。当受害者通过 line 添加好友,寻求有关诈骗案件的建议时,该团伙会与其进行交谈并询问其基本信息。伪装成律师的犯罪分子,随后声称他已将此事发送给it部门进行调查。后告知受害者发现被骗的钱是在国外的一个在线赌博网站上洗钱的,受害者可以使用一些黑客方法拿回钱。但受害人必须申请会员转账并在该赌博网站上玩游戏,但这赌博网站其实是该犯罪团伙伪造的网站。受害人随后按照建议去充值赌博后只会再次被骗钱,沦为受害者。经调查发现,短短15天内,就有1000多人被骗向该犯罪团伙转账,造成超过800万泰铢的损失。该网站使用的ip地址为柬埔寨,但在泰国境内租用服务器使用。目前,已发现犯罪分子仍活跃的98个网站,其中包括16个在线赌博网站、9个产品订单诈骗网站、6个贷款网站、6个加密货币投资诈骗网站、3个虚假航空公司网站、3个欺诈应用程序和1个工作申请网站骗局等。犯罪团伙利用“骡子”账户接收受害者的汇款,随后购买数币来躲避警方的追查。经查,此犯罪团伙流通的诈骗金额已超过70亿泰铢。 – 博爪-九游会j9备用网址

five arrested for running fake police website defrauding scam victims
november 18, 2023 2:00 pm

a police officer inspects cash and luxury items during a raid of a condominium unit in bangkok belonging to one of the scammers on nov. 14, 2023.

bangkok — five people were arrested for allegedly running a fake police website that defrauded more than 1,000 cybercrime victims, police said friday.

central investigations bureau commander jirapob puridet said five suspects, including a chinese and a cambodian nationals, were arrested after police raided nine locations across the country. they were charged with fraud, importing fake information under the computer crime act, involving in a transnational organized crime, and money laundering.

pol. lt. gen. jirapob said initial investigation found that the suspects scammed more than 1,000 people out of eight million baht in just two weeks, but the total damage is believed to run to billions of baht.

under the scheme, scam victims were lured to a website pretending to be the homepage of the central investigations bureau through a sponsored search result as they were trying to find the legitimate police website for filing a complaint online.

a link to a line chat application account on the website then connected the victims to scammers, posing as lawyers, who instructed the victims to give out their personal information as part of the “consultation.”

once the scammers got the information, they told the victims that their money was laundered in an “online gambling website,” created by the scammers, and they needed to create an account and place a bet in order to get their money back as the scammers claimed that they were able to “hack” the website.

those who fell for the trick would then gamble more and more money in hope to get their money returned as the scammers pretended that they were able to “hack” the website and doubled the deposit for the victims. the victims never get their money back.

apart from the fake police website, police said the suspects also operated a total of 98 fake websites, pretending to be online casinos, e-commerce platforms, financial services, cryptocurrency investment platforms, airlines, and a job search service. the websites were hosted in thailand and ten of them were ordered to be shut down.

police are still tracking down the remaining suspects, including a chinese national who is believed to be the leader of the group, and thai nationals who opened bank accounts used in the fraud.



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